Thursday, 31 January 2013

Short film - final version

Here is the final version of my short film titled Hungry. The reasoning behind the title was that it links into the narrative of my film without giving too much away. Its cryptic nature will intrigue the audience, encouraging them to watch the film to find out exactly what happens.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Analysing film posters (Slideshare example)

Horror film poster analysis. from lukey_wilkes

This presentation offers a good and clear analysis of film posters of the horror genre. The layout of the presentation is good and appeals to me as it gives the ability to point out the features they talk about throughout. The language used is of media origin and includes lots of detail about the various characteristics of the posters, however it is slightly repetitive at times. This presentation includes extensive detail about the layout and features of the posters as well as talking about the reasons behind the design. The author offers a further insight into the design, going beyond what can be seen and discussing things such as the characters power from their position in the poster.
Although this is a very detailed and interesting presentation of posters from my film's genre, the examples used are not of the variety that I wish mine to be. My poster design is likely to be of the character focused style, however the ones in this presentation have been manipulated and don't look as natural and realistic as I would perhaps prefer mine to be. I would also like to represent the genre of my short film in a more subtle way than these posters. They use a lot of vibrant colours often associated with the horror genre, whereas I am likely to look at using more natural colours. All three examples in this presentation feature the scary character/s from each respective film. This is something I will be able to (and want to) avoid with my poster as the main threat in my short film could not be considered scary from appearance alone.