Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Plot discourse

In this post I will talk about the plot discourse of my short film.

1. Extreme close-up of girl's eyes with tears in them
SOUND - quick, sharp breaths
2. Camera begins to slowly zoom out until the whole of the girl's face fills the shot
BACKGROUND - dark natural light, no discernible setting
3. When shot 2 is complete, the girl looks down
4. Screen fades to black
5. Fading in, a shot of smiling boy's face fills the shot
BACKGROUND - park, trees dotted around, leaves on the ground (shots 5-8)
SOUND - boy and girl laughing, leaves crunching
COLOUR - sepia (shots 5-8)
6. As camera starts to slowly zoom out, a girl runs towards him from right side of camera and pushes him over
SOUND - laughing, leaves crunching
7. Sequence of shots showing couple together (30-40 seconds)
- no specific camera angles. I want this scene to look natural so will let the actors improvise and follow them and the action
SOUND - laughing, leaves crunching, natural dialogue and sounds
8. Mid-shot of couple kissing
9. Shot switches abruptly to that of girl looking down (should be continuation of shot 3)
10. Camera slowly zooms out until the girl can be seen fully
BACKGROUND - teenagers bedroom, girl should be sitting on bed in the centre of room
LIGHTING - dark, natural light as though from a dim lamp
SOUND - quiet, maybe some background noise
11. Close-up shot of girl's hands with blood on them
SOUND - same as 10
12. Shot switches to close-up of girl's face as she takes a deep breath
SOUND - same as 10, breathing
13. Mid-shot of girl turning head towards bedroom door
SOUND - door opening and closing downstairs (muffled)
- woman's voice shouting, 'Susie, I'm home!'
14. Extreme close-up of girl's mouth
SOUND - girl speaking, 'I'll be down in a minute Mum!'
15. Mid-shot of girl sitting on bed, as she turns to look at something on the bed behind her
SOUND - covers moving, things moving downstairs (muffled), natural background noise
16. Camera zooms out to fully show girl sitting on bed and the full setting. She stands up and walks towards the bedroom door and leaves the room
BACKGROUND - same as 10
SOUND - footsteps, door opening and closing
17. Shot of empty room (4 seconds)
SOUND - quiet in room, girl and mum talking downstairs (muffled and unclear)
18. Shot switches to close-up of boy lying on bed with blood on his face
SOUND - laughing (should be sound from shot 6)
19. Shot switches to mid-shot of boy and girl standing together, looking at the camera
BACKGROUND - park, trees in the background, leaves on the floor (similar to / same as shot 5)
COLOUR - sepia
SOUND - girl's voice saying 'I love you.'
20. Shot abruptly turns to black as though the camera has been switched off
21. Credits
SOUND - silence

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